Faith Foundations

Faith Foundations is Zion's multi-generational Sunday School program intended for everyone. It meets from 9:00-10:15am on Sunday mornings, from September - April.

We begin in the Basement Fellowship Hall at 9:00am for fellowship and family discipleship (a time of devotion and prayer for everyone led by the pastor or vicar). At 9:30, students move into different classrooms based on their age or grade level. (Note: Nursery and Pre-K both begin at 9:15am in their respective classrooms).

Parents are asked to attend with their children, but Faith Foundations is not intended only for parents and kids! Grandparents, empty-nesters, and young and single adults are all welcome!

Faith Foundations is a great way to grow in learning God's Word and to become a part of the community of Zion. Please join us!







9:00-9:15   Fellowship

9:15-9:30   Family Discipleship

9:30-10:15   Classes

Nursery (0-3) Nursery
PreK-Kindergarten Ed Wing Preschool Room
1st Grade Ed Wing Lower Level
2nd/3rd Grade Ed Wing Lower Level
4th/5th Grade Ed Wing Lower Level
Confirmation Ed Wing Upper Room
High School Basement Youth Room
Adult Basement Fellowship Hall


There are occasional special events called "Zion Family Days" with a different schedule. Please check the link on the sidebar for more information.

Group Pages