
Give Now

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Thank you for supporting our ministry!

Zion depends upon the gifts of our members and partners to continue our ministry to share the good news of Christ Jesus in the Mitchell area and beyond.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Cor. 9:7

Zion is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Zion are tax deductible.

Ways to Give


You can support the ministry of Zion Lutheran Church by giving a one-time or a recurring gift from a bank account or a debit/credit card using our online giving portal.

Transactions are processed by Vanco Services in partnership with Lutheran Church Extension Fund. Members using our online giving will receive a year-end report of their offerings.

Offering Envelopes

Offering envelopes are available for those wishing to give to the ministry and operation of Zion and receive a year-end report of their offerings. Contact the church office if you wish to be given offering envelopes.

There are also special envelopes for our Building Fund in the pews. If you include your regular offering envelope number, this giving is also reported in your year-end report.

Offering Plate

Our worship services include gathering our offerings for the support of our church and ministry here at Zion and beyond.

You may place both your regular offering envelopes as well as the building fund envelopes in the offering plate. You may also just place your offering in the plate without an envelope.

Attendance cards, which are located in the pew, should also be completed and returned in the offering plate.
